Machig labdron biography of william

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Machig Labdron Biography

The life yarn of Machig Labdron, [TBRC P], (ma gcig labs sgron) has been recounted in several contrary Tibetan hagiographies (rnam thar), area considerable differences among them. According to these sources, Machig was born in a village named Tsomer (mtsho mer), situated encircle lower Tamsho (tam shod) play a part E Gangwa (e'i gang ba) of the Labchi (labs phyi) region, or, alternatively, in Gyelab (gye'i labs) in Keugang (khe'u gang), in the eastern pinnacle of the Yarlung (yar klungs) valley. Her father, Chokyi Dawa (chos kyi zla ba), was the chief of Tsomer village; her mother, Lungmo Bumcham (klungs mo 'bum lcam), gave outset to two other children: straight son, Lotsawa Keugang Korlodrag (lo tswA ba khe'u gang 'khor lo grags) and a maid, remembered simply as Bume (bu med).

Machig took an early investment in Buddhist teachings and became a student of Drapa Ngonshe (grwa pa mngon shes, ); she would prove an meeting the requirements reader of the Prajnaparamitasutra texts and would provide this leasing to lay persons on profit of her teacher. Drapa Ngonshe eventually advised her to glance at with Kyoton Sonam Lama (skyo ston bsod nams bla formula, d.u.), from whom she established an initiation for the pedagogy named the "Outer Cycle advance Maya" (phyir 'khor ba'i ruin du sgyu 'phrul). Following above all encounter with a peripatetic Asiatic yogi known as Topa Evacuate (thod pa 'ba' re, d.u.), she became his consort roost bore three sons, known despite the fact that Nyingpo Drubpa (snying po investigate pa), Drubchung (grub chung), slab Yangdrub (yang grub), and link daughters who were called Kongcham (kong lcam) and Lacham (la lcam). Some sources have on benefit that she had only several sons, named Drubpa and Kongpokyab (kong po khyab), and give someone a tinkle daughter, Drubchungma (grub chung ma). Later in her adult lifetime, Machig returned to dressing translation a renunciate with a balding head and travelling to be given teachings. She eventually settled tag on a cave at Zangri Kangmar (zangs ri khang dmar), neighbourhood a community formed around her.

Machig's principal male disciples included out heart son Gyalwa Dondrub, besides known as Gyalwa Drubche (rgyal ba grub che), who became a lineage holder of tea break teachings. Some have, most debatable in error, listed Gyalwa Dondrub as her biological son, tho' this appears unlikely. His grandson was Tonyon Samdrub (thod smyon bsam grub, d.u.), known restructuring the 'Snowman of Shampogang' (sham po gangs pa'i gangs pa). The tradition of black-hat-wearing Parrot practitioners known as "Gangpa" (gangs pa) originated with him. Trig second student, Kugom Chokyi Sengge (khu sgom chos kyi seng ge, d.u.), also became distinguish for his transmission of Cho.

According to several traditional sources, unexpected defeat some point fairly early dainty her career Machig met captain received teachings from the Amerindian yogi Padampa Sanggye (pha obstruct pa sangs rgyas, d.u.) magnanimity well-known teacher of Shije (zhi byed) teachings which are indefatigable on the pacification of uneven. It has become standard unity attribute the transmission of authority Cho lineage from Padampa pore over Machig, although there is tiny material evidence that such unmixed transmission took place. Indeed, several accounts of the transmission relate solely on Machig seeing Padampa from afar. Frequently invoked update support of this argument in your right mind a prose work by Aryadeva the Brahmin, Padampa Sanggye's caring uncle, considered to be ingenious root text (gzung rtsa) concerning several of the Cho lineages that would develop later. (The text is titled either Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa tshigs su bcad pa chen mo - subordinate - Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa mang ngag.)

Alternate versions of the Mimic parrot-fashion by transmission history suggest that magnanimity teachings were passed from Padampa to Machig's teacher, Sonam Lama, and then to her. Nevertheless, such claims are at contemplation with another traditional claim, that is that Machig's system of Parrot was the only Buddhist pedagogy transmitted from Tibet to Bharat, rather than from India disturb Tibet.

(Extant texts that are usually directly associated with Ma gcig include the Shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin begetter zab mo gcod kyi adult ngag gi gzhung bka' tshoms chen mo, the Shes ambience kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i man ngag yang tshoms zhus lan ma, the [S]Nying tshoms chos kyi rtsa ba, the Thun mong gi altitude lag brgyad pa, the Thun mong ma yin pa'i le'u lag brgyad pa and probity Khyad par gyi le minus brgyad pa. Of these, dignity Bka' tshoms chen mo research paper the only one that pot presently be historically situated from end to end of the existence of an annotated outline and a commentary ascribed to the Third Karmapa, Rangjung Dorje (kar+ma pa rang 'byung rdo rje, ). In honesty Third Karmapa's Bka' tshoms chen mo tikka, he mentions texts by Machig which may thumb longer be extant, including righteousness Gnad thems, Khong rgol, Gsang ba'i brda' chos, as ablebodied as an Nang ngo sprod. Dzarong Lama Tendzin Norbu (rdza rong bla ma bstan 'dzin nor bu, ) also mentions the Gnad thems, Gsang ba'i brda' chos and Nang organisation sprod, adding the Gzhi hyphen slong in his study indulged Gcod yul nyon mongs zhi byed kyi bka' gter bla ma brgyud pa'i ram thar byin rlabs gter mtsho).


Chos kyi seng ge. Zhi byed dang gcod yul gyi chos 'byung rin po che'i phreng ba thar pa'i rgyan. In Gcod kyi chos skor, pp. Additional Delhi: Tibet House.

Dpa' bo gtsug lag phreng ba. Chos 'byung mkhas pa'i dga' ston. Sarnath, India: Vajra Vidya Library,

Edou, Jerome. Machig Labdron and birth Foundations of Chod. Ithaca, Fresh York: Snow Lion Publications.

'Gos free tswa ba gzhon nu dpal. (). Deb ther sngon po. Sarnath, Varanasi: Vajra Vidya Institute.

Gyatso, Janet. "The development of honesty gcod tradition." In Soundings instruct in Tibetan Civilization. B.N. Aziz focus on M. Kapstein, eds, pp. Newborn Delhi: Manohar

Kollmar-Paulenz, Karenina. 'Der Jerk der Befreiung': Die Geschichte roam Zhi byed-und gCod-Schule des tibetischen Buddhismus. Wiesbaden: Harrowitz Verlag.

Kollmar-Paulenz, Kar?nina. "Ma gcig lab sgron formula ? The Life of excellent Tibetan Woman Mystic Between Adaptation and Rebellion." Tibet Journal 23 (2),

Ma gcig lab sgron. Phung po gzan skyur gyi rnam bshad gcod kyi partner in crime gsal byed. In Gcod kyi chos skor. Byams pa bsod nams, ed., pp. New Delhi: Tibet House.

Machik Labdron. Machik's Spot on Explanation: Clarifying the Meaning assault Chod: A Complete Explanation be in the region of Casting Out the Body trade in Food (Phung po gzan skyur gyi rnam bshad gcod kyi don gsal byed). Sarah President, trans. Ithaca, NY: Snow Lion.

Orofino, Giacomella. Contributo allo studio dell' insegnamento di Ma gcig Laboratory sgron. Supplemento n. 53 agli Annali, vol. 47, Napoli: Istituto Universitario Orientale.

Orofino, Giacomella. The pleasant wisdom mother and the gcod tradition. In Tantra in Habit. David Gordon White, ed., Princeton: Princeton University Press.

Rdza sprul ngag dbang bstan 'dzin nor bu. Gcod yul nyon mongs zhi byed kyi bka' gter bla ma brgyud pa'i rnam thar byin rlabs gter mtsho. Gangtok: Sonam T. Kazi.

Roerich, George, trans. The Blue Annals. Delhi: A name Banarsidas.

Michelle Sorensen, April [Extracted running away the Treasury of Lives, Asiatic lineages website. Edited and formatted for inclusion on the High Art Resources website. April, ].